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Allergy Remedies

Essential Oils for the treatment of allergies

Top 2 Essential Oils for Allergies

An allergic reaction begins in the immune system. An allergen is a substance that tricks the immune system — making it think that the allergen is an invader. Some essential oils serve as a natural and safe way to treat the symptoms of allergies and boost our immune systems.

Rosemary Essential Oil Benefits

Eucalyptus Oil

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Components of eucalyptus oil, such as eucalyptol and citronellal, have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects which can help to relieve seasonal allergy symptoms. Eucalyptus oil also works as an expectorant, helping to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful microorganisms that are acting as allergens.

Eucalyptus Oil

Geranium Oil

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Geranium essential oil’s citronellol content makes it potentially effective for reducing allergic reactions. Because of the anti-inflammatory action of this essential oil topical use of Geranium oil may reduce itching caused by allergic reactions.

Geranium Oil
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How to Use Essential Oils

There are three main categories of essential oil usage. However you choose to use essential oils, always be sure to start slow and pay attention to how your body reacts. Remember, when it comes to essential oils, less is more. Select the button below for a comprehensive list of the most common uses and applications of essential oils.

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